A court bid to block Spurs from leasing the rewilded London golf course fails. - Flashfootballnews
Home » A court bid to block Spurs from leasing the rewilded London golf course fails.

A court bid to block Spurs from leasing the rewilded London golf course fails.

Campaigners claim that a high court decision in favour of Enfield council leasing a rewilded golf course to Tottenham Hotspur for a football academy is jeopardising public parks across London and beyond.

The court has concluded that Enfield Council can transfer over more than half of the 97-hectare (240-acre) Whitewebbs Park to Spurs, which has proposed building a new women’s and girls’ academy on the green belt property.

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Mr Justice Mould rebuffed protesters, led by local resident Sean Wilkinson, who claimed that the council had a legislative duty to keep the wildlife-rich former council golf course open to the general public for enjoyment.

The campaigners have promised to appeal the ruling and will continue to oppose plans to fence off and develop on a section of the park that was sold to the council than a century ago to benefit the borough’s residents. Since the public golf course closed in 2021, Whitewebbs has been heavily frequented by locals and wildlife, including 80 bird species, at least nine bat species, great crested newts, and badgers.

Wilkinson, a retired teacher, stated, “It would be horrible if that finding stood, not just for Whitewebbs but for virtually any open space in the London area and beyond.

We are witnessing a revitalization of the enclosure movement by large firms, which will allow other sporting groups and enterprises to take land.

“There is no distinction between this type of industrial sports facility and a low-level industry development. Spurs intend to set up a fortified encampment in the park. We will absolutely fight this.”

Campaigners are asking the judge for permission to file an appeal against the verdict. Harriet Child of the Public Interest Law Centre, the activists’ solicitor, stated that if this can happen in Whitewebbs Park, it may happen anywhere. It could happen at your neighbourhood park, playground, or playing field. “popular trust land was one of the most significant and dramatic improvements to emerge from the popular pushback against development intruding on people’s access to open space. It’s unfortunate that we’ve lost sight of this as a society.

“This judgement shows a willingness to sell land to private companies that people fought so hard to protect for the public nearly 100 years ago.”

Spurs will be granted a 25-year lease on the land by Enfield Council for £2 million. Campaigner Ed Allnutt added: “The work that will be done is irreversible and harmful. The park is used by more than just humans; it also houses reptiles, badgers, and habitat priority listed birds. It is near to Forty Hall’s beaver habitat.

This is a massive building project that will forever alter a stunning, biodiverse region. The enclosure will primarily benefit a large private corporation, Tottenham Hotspur, which is held abroad and has an excellent academy. It will be a permanent loss for both the community and nature.

Mould ruled in his written ruling that the proposed training facility was “not confined to commercial football training” and would “foster a large element of community access and support women’s and girls’ football locally”.

Alice Roberts, head of campaigns at CPRE London, an environmental charity, urged Spurs to withdraw its planning proposal for Whitewebbs and construct the facilities elsewhere.

“We are enormously disappointed that a wealthy football club like Tottenham Hotspur feels it appropriate to take over a public park when they can well afford to purchase land elsewhere,” she stated.

“We strongly support provision for women’s football, but this is a wealthy, professional football club which has plenty of resources to buy land which is not public park land.”

Roberts continued: “I’m staggered that it’s possible for a council to sell a park to a very wealthy organisation with impunity.”

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